Friday, November 2, 2007
Same bat time, different bat channel...
See ya' there!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Six months in India...
Friday, August 17, 2007
We'll Always Have Paris
Je t'aime, France.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Living in Seine
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Holy Hannah
Monday, July 30, 2007
Googalaga, Chimichanga, Espinaca, Willy Wonka
On our way home from the movie, we saw a man on a motorcycle get hit by a bus. He got up and was dusting himself off in a very dazed fashion when the bus backed up a few feet and then drove around him. The guy got back on his bike and took off. I swear, if you showed up thirty seconds after it had happened you would never have known that there had just been an accident. Crazy.
This weekend we had a big reminder of how nice it is to be in a big congregation where there are multiple people who can handle spur of the moment assignments. On Saturday, Nathan taught Institute as I was finishing up preparations for Enrichment Night. We had six people show up so I probably prepared too much, but oh well. Then Sunday we spoke on marriage in Sacrament Meeting. It went really well and we were pleased to be done with our church assignments for the day. We spoke too soon though as our Branch Presidency forgot that it was the fifth Sunday and that they were in charge. On top of that, there was a huge issue that came up that required their attention, so as we walked into the room Nathan was handed the Gospel Principles manual and asked to teach an hour long lesson on the organization of Christ's church. Despite the initial "Holy Crap!" moment, he did a great job. The issue was, though, that he had also been asked to speak at the baptism afterwards. He asked me if I could handle that as it was starting to feel like the Nathan Jones Show and of course I obliged. So I played the piano and then, like any returned missionary who has used the old discussions, I mentally pulled out the second and flipped to 2 Nephi and taught about why Christ needed to be baptised and how if He needed to, how much more we need to. Just like the good ole' days. So the consensus that Nathan and I have come to is that our vacation is just in the nick of time as who knows what we might end up doing next week if we were here!
Oh, and our Sunday School teacher said sh*t in her lesson.
Friday, July 27, 2007
How is shopping in India like Georg and Yortuk Festrunk, the two Czech brothers, from classic Saturday Night Live sketches?
The personification of grocery shopping in India
Last night we were at the store picking up some loose ends - bread and milk kind of thing- when I about lost it. I think Nathan was kind of hoping I would but - in the words of Kit Ramsey - I kept it together.
I guess Steve Martin is the thread that holds this story together.
We got everything that we needed and went to get in line. Now, the registers are lined up near the exit door. I think there are ten with five of them facing the other five and about a five foot aisle in the middle. We, of course, went and lined up where you would assume you were supposed to and waited for a register to come open. The people behind us didn't see things the way that we did and (literally) shoved us aside to stand at one of the registers. Now, this may seem like the smart thing to do, but when everyone comes to the store with four generations of their family, you can imagine the chaos this causes when people are trying to get through this mass to leave the store. It is insane. So we are trying to figure the system out when Nathan gets shoved by an employee. Everyone does that - even the children, and you can imagine how much Captain McLaughlin's daughter likes that. No '"Excuse me", no "I'm sorry", just shove. The back of my hand was just begging me to let it smack someone!
So we finally get behind this one guy who has made the fatal error of picking up a jar full of mini candy bars. Rather than price checking the jar, Einstein the checkout boy and his buddy Galileo decided that the best course of action was to empty the jar out on the counter and count how many bars there were. It was a good thing it wasn't one of those mondo bags of Tootsie Roll Midgees that my mom always buys or there would have been an international incident. Nathan just looks at me and says "I think we have your blog topic for tomorrow".
This was not even the last thing. We FINALLY get to the counter and are trying to get our stuff through as quickly as possible when the checker gets to our produce. Now I am aware that multiple people might touch the produce I buy before I do, but I have never had a checker pull my apple out of the bag and manhandle it looking for the sticker. I'm not quite sure why, but that really bothered me. Arrrrrgh! I hate to say it, but I think Nathan and I are both really looking forward to this break. One week and counting!