Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Things I love about Delhi...

  1. Lychees - Lychees are one of the most wonderful fruits on the planet. They are juicy and sweet and fun to peel. The texture is so cool and smooth and the seeds are actually kind of pretty. Nathan and I polished off a huge bag of them the other day and they were just perfect. We had sticky hands and faces but it was worth it!
  2. Rickshaws - These are our after-grocery shopping treat to ourselves, and as we have a very small fridge we get to do it a few times a week. The drivers are amazing! Nathan estimates that he weighs about three times as much as them (that might be pushing it a bit!) but they will carry the two of us home with all of our purchases and only charge you 20 rupees - about 50 cents - to do it.
  3. The Work Ethic - Indians work hard. I mean, really hard. And they are incredibly industrious in how they do it. I need to get a picture of this, but if you want a hair cut and shave (for a man, of course) there is a man with a chair and a mirror on the street corner who will do it right there for you. If you need an alteration, there is a man with an ancient Singer machine on the opposite street corner that will do what you need, all the while keeping the machine going by working the pedal on the bottom. Down the road, another man will iron your shirts out on the street for ridiculously small amounts of money with an iron that the pioneers would have used. There are fax machines, fruit stands, candy carts, flower stands, and food vendors lining the streets and they are there every day, all day in the 100+ degree weather. We even saw a a man breaking up a block of coal on the street the other day. In Being Indian, the author cites that over 60% of savings in India are made by people who work on the street. When you consider how incredibly wealthy the upper echelons of India are, that's a lot of hair cuts and shaves, a lot of alterations, and a lot of shirts ironed.
  4. Going out to dinner with wealthy people - Let's face it, I like this one anywhere in the world! Last night we went out to dinner with Sharu Modi and her father in one of her mother's restaurants. I have never had Thai food before, but I will have it many times in the future. It was exquisite. My order was chicken fried rice cooked in pineapple juice with cashews served in a hollowed out pineapple. Ohmigoodness. We dined like kings for three hours with waiters hovering over us to make sure that we did not do anything so foolish as to serve ourselves. Along with the Thai restaurant they own Italian and Indian restaurants as well as a cafe and lounge and they are all within walking distance of our house. We met them in the lounge and you would honestly think that you were in some swanky club in Scottsdale from the atmosphere. It was gorgeous. Low couches, dim lighting, funky tunes. It was heaven. I think we may sample the delights of Italy this evening...
  5. Delhi Branch #1 - We have really been blessed with the branch that we belong to. People are so friendly and welcoming, even if we don't share a common language. Lessons are given in both English and Hindi (which I think is so smart since you only have to teach half as much!) which the RS president was very apologetic about until I told her that I am in her country and I am just happy to be able to follow what is going on. Nathan taught Institute on Saturday and we had a great time. The kids all read the lesson beforehand even though their English is not that good and then come to class ready to participate. I love that - that they do not let the language barrier get in the way of their testimonies. They are great kids.
  6. Nathan - Perhaps this sounds sappy, but I am so incredibly proud of my husband. He has had some pretty tough obstacles to deal with at work, but he is handling it beautifully. I listened to him talk shop with the Modis last night (who head up the Modi group - the seventh largest conglomerate in India) and he was not only comfortable with them, but they sought his ideas and advice. I have definitely hitched my wagon to a star. I love him so much. He has just been a hero this month. We are also having a great time together. Like I said, there have been some tough things to deal with but we personally are having a great experience. I am a lucky, lucky woman.

1 comment:

Layton Clan said...

Delhi, we love you, but you have taken our friends and made them believers. Nathan and Bethany, we are so happy that you are having a wonderful time in India. We know how difficult it must be to adjust, and Nathan, we can't even try to understand what it must feel like to take on a whole country of people who don't speak like you, act like you or who don't even understand what you are trying to accomplish. There are so many things that each of us can do in this world that can change even just a few hearts. I am so grateful that you both are so faithful, and so educated. You are both so fantastic at being friends to everyone you meet. You will be so blessed for being faithful. We love you, and miss you!!! Hope all is well, and keep the updates coming! Love, Emery and Jen