Friday, March 30, 2007

Sunshine in my soul today...

The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and wonderful things are happening everywhere. Last night we found out that my Dad's cancer biopsy came back negative. We celebrated as we always do - with food! Joe's Barbecue just seemed appropriate. And yes, I realize that this is the second time I have mentioned Joe's in my blog. It is that good. I am so happy for my parents as they are due for some good news. This, however, is GREAT news. He will have to get check-ups every six months to keep a watch on him, but the doctor was very optimistic and so are we.

The second piece of news came at 6:30 this morning when the phone rang and my sister-in-law Emma was on the line. She had just given birth to our second nephew (Hank's really going to need to step it up now!). He is 8 lbs, 10 oz and currently nameless. His father is pushing for Cougar Lionitas Bassett. It just rolls off the tongue, don't it? This is what happens when a soon-to-be father sees "300" the week before his child is born. I am making a mental note that Nathan will not be seeing any testosterone charged movies throughout the gestation process when we have a child! The lucky thing is that we are making a stop in London on our way to India so we will get to meet the wee bairn. I am practicing my snarl to ward off those who would try to take him from me.

1 comment:

Layton Clan said...

So happy that all is well with Dad. Wonderful.
And all the babies. Wonderful.
So, when are we going to see "Blades of Glory"?
I hear it's fabulous.