Sunday, July 1, 2007

Why can't a heterosexual guy tell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his booty is fly?

I think all doubt has flown out the window. Mukhtar, our driver, has a man-crush on my husband and, frankly, I don't know if I can compete. I don't know if it is the horrible dejected look on his face whenever he sees me coming without Nathan, if it is the fact that he has declared the UK (a country he has never been to and knows nothing about but will visit once God tells him it is alright) as his favorite country in the world, or if it the fact that he has written Nathan's name in big block capitals ON HIS CAR'S VISOR but I am just getting that vibe from him. Today, Nathan woke up with horrible mosquito bites all over his arms, legs, and face (not a one on me...) that were already flaring up so he stayed home from church. On the way home, Mukhtar took the opportunity to sing Nathan's praises to me. Apparently, he is very tall, handsome, cute, and all the office boys think that he is very active. He said something else that I couldn't quite catch - it was either that he is sensitive or sexy. Either way, whoa. That wasn't even the only weird thing! His whole family is now coming to church with us. I can't tell if it is because the really want to or if they feel it's a good way to get in good with us. Regardless, they are welcome to come. However, when his daughter got up and bore her testimony about Mr. Nathan Jones today, it got a bit creepy. She even announced our address. I'm wondering why Mukhtar is sharing this info, but I guess if he has dreams of Nathan becoming their second daddy, they'll need to know where he lives. I don't know if it will come to it, but I am prepared to girl fight him if he makes a move. I figure I must outweigh him by a good 50 pounds so the laws of physics are on my side and I will hand him his butt on a poppadom with a side of mint sauce...

It seems that we have a whole family of lizards now. We have little babies running around on our bedroom ceiling all the time. It shows how my standards have changed in that I really like seeing them around! They are actually pretty cute and I figure they must be eating the bugs so they are more than welcome. The other morning I woke up early and just watched them run around for a bit. Once the light comes on they freeze and watch you very closely, but when it's still dark they are quite the little runners!

I took this shot last night. It was hard to get a good one as they are so small. Any suggestions on names would be highly appreciated.

I have been thinking a lot about France since we bought our tickets the other night. I have decided that I really want to get into the spirit of it all so I am attempting to learn to beatbox. (Go white girl, go white girl, go...) Now, you may ask why, but once you watch this I think you will understand.

So far, all I can do is spit on myself a lot - but I'll have it by August!

Laissez les bons temps rouler!


Nancy said...

That is my long lost nephew so you know where he gets it from!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, it's me Shadie your only 13 year old friend lol (that means laugh out loud even though I am not laughing). I want to send you a video of a guy beat boxing in the jungle. I think it might impress you even though Nathan said that it is hard to impress you. Well, this message should make you smile!:)

joncar11 said...

Wow...I won't lie...this blog freaks me out a little. Now I'm not a violent person, but if another dude had that kind of an infatuation with me...I would be a violent person. j/k (that means just kidding even though I'm not kidding:)
So let me try and catch up crush's, hot humid weather, no central air, lock smith technology from 1910, giant eagles that threaten to carry you off, mosquitoes, and lizards. if that doesn't bring the tourist's to India I don't know what will!